Luxury interior / Art Kumiko

Art Kumiko is the best of our product.
Perfect custom-made Kumiko is available with our designer exclusively dealing with customers’ request.
Craftsmen and designers cooperate to harmonize like an orchestra and breeze new life into pieces.
Using elaborate patterns and rare woods with variety of colors, we proudly finish only one piece in the world to be left for the next generation.

Luxury interior, Tanihata's Best woodworking, Skilled craftsmans
Luxury interior Abstraction type
Abstraction type

To create your own Kumiko world

Luxury interior Zonation type
Zonation type

To create a linear effect

Luxury interior Embodiment Type
Embodiment type

To create your own original design

Luxury interior Pattern Combination type
Pattern Combination type

To make attractive and varied designs

Abstraction type

Luxury interior, Art piece, Custom-made kumiko
Luxury interior, Ritz-Carlton kumiko, Suite room

To create your own Kumiko world

This is Kumiko designed with ideas free from objects and styles to be assembled like only one art piece in the world.

Embodiment type

Luxury interior Abstraction type, Landscapes, Plants, Famous place
Luxury interior Abstraction type, Landscapes, Plants, Famous place

To create your own original design

Expressed natural scenery, buildings, famous places and specialties by concrete patterns, it is friendly and eye-catching.

Zonation type

Luxury interior Embodiment Type, Geometrical pattern, Triangles, Art
Luxury interior Embodiment Type

To create a linear effect

Using some kinds of patterns and woods with different colors, this stylish one is assembled with drawing patterns like

Osaka, Umeda Station, Kumiko woodworking, Hankyu

Pattern Combination type

Luxury interior Pattern Combination type,  Kumiko woodworking, Patchwork
Luxury interior Pattern Combination type,  Kumiko woodworking, Art

To make attractive and varied designs

Linear and varied expression is created by assembling large and small square pieces in a surface like patchworks.

With Freedom and Creativity

Comparison of the Art Kumiko

Depending on the Art Kumiko type, the design, wood, and size that can be used will differ. If you cannot decide, send us a rough image.

Luxury interior Abstraction type
Luxury interior Embodiment Type
Luxury interior Zonation type
Luxury interior Pattern Combination type
TypeAbstractionEmbodimentZonationPattern Combination
12 possible custom patterns
12 possible custom patterns
Auspicious Kumiko
18 patterns
FrameAllAllAllOnly 30 x 30mm
WoodBasic and Special woodBasic and Special woodBasic and Special woodOnly Basic wood

12 possible custom patterns

These patterns can be used for the Art Kumiko only.

Auspicious Kumiko

Only for Pattern combination Kumiko(Not for Abstraction, Embodying, Zonation)

Production flow of Art Kumiko

Send sketches or reference images

Sketches or reference images

Proposal of design drawings by our designer

Kumiko woodworking, Proposal of design drawings


Kumiko woodworking, Completion images

How to send sketches and reference images

◎ On our website, go to

“Business customer page” → “Art Kumiko” page Complete the form and attach the file.

・ Business customer name
・ Contact person
・ Contact information
・ Phone
・ Project name
・ Planned installation date
・ Product size
・ Budget

◎ Acceptable file formats

・Images(jpg/gif/png) ・Adobe(ai/psd/pdf)
・CAD(jww) ・Compressed format (lzh/zip)

Diagram showing relationship between cost and delivery time

Art Kumiko requires a longer production time and higher pricing than Auspicious Kumiko. A design fee may also be charged. Tell us your budget in advance, and we can promptly give you proposals.

Diagram showing relationship between cost and delivery time

The pricing is for one square meter. Pricing depends on the materials, quantity, and specifications.
Delivery time: Auspicious Kumiko 30 – 50days. Asanoha chirashi 30 – 60days.
